Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dance, Press, and creative collaborations

Well we got some Bulletin press for my piece and Amherst Ballet with that wonderful photo of Mariel as well.

And in The Springfield Republican too.

There was also a bit of coverage for ARHS production of AIDA. With many more photos in the actual paper than online, and several of Mariel.

This week or next, there is an article coming out covering Carlos and the creation of his video. He is excited about this media attention and I am proud and happy for him.

We need to explore options for funding and future performances and collaborations. Where we go next in our creative endeavors is to be determined. (as well as in our social alliance)

Meanwhile we finally enjoyed dancing once again at the Iron Horse last night, and I got to exhibit crazy March 'hair' at Jackie's Tangopulse milonga this past weekend.

"To live is to dance, to dance is to live."