Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Son's Photo of Me in NY Gallery Show in July

My son Ian wrote
oh it appears a picture of you will be in a new york gallery, by the way!

My First Print in a Manhatten Gallery Show! July 19th

The exhibit for Image 07 will take place Thursday, July 19th 2007

from 6pm-9pm at: Gallery FCB
16 West 23rd Street, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10016

I hope you will come and say hi to me there, especially since I'll have just arrived in new york the week before.

View the winner gallery online

Let's have a long beautiful summer together, new york city!

Note: This is not my favorite photo- but the lighting and mood is interesting-

...."OK, I'm standing here- so come on Ian- take the photo already!"

Friday, May 18, 2007

More Writings

My Hunter High School reunion piece was finally printed with some typos/edit issues -see page 11 of the PDF.

Also - I started an intro for one possible book on 'mating' in middle age- May post more soon with survey questions for my 'research' and to check out my assumptions and presumptions.

How well can we (men and women) match- is it different in middle-age? (This is not a history project- not a focus on the Middle Ages)

Anyway got the bulk of my web site up for an Educational Web development class. I will propose a Dance Hub for real to the schools, or town - or just host it myself-

My UMASS personal web site.

Enjoy- Spring is here

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I Was A Little Chicken


Mother’s Day has come and gone- and spring certainly seems like it has established a steady stance. Looking towards Father’s Day…
This weekend I received this announcement:

My contribution of a ‘letter’ to my own father - a birth reflection- will appear in a book to be released in June:

Letters to Fathers from Daughters (Paperback)by Sharon Alworth (Author), Bonnie Birnam (Author) - You can order it via Amazon:

Book Description: A touching, inspiring, and ultimately healing book of writings from real people. Composed of letters and poems that depict brief snapshots of women’s relationships with their fathers with an overall tone of gratitude, or of valuable lessons learned, often despite difficult circumstances.

I am excited- and pleased-

My Piece, “I Was a Little Chicken”, is a reflection and reworking of a birth memory. Still emerging as a person, creator, and writer - I welcome this opportunity to share myself and thoughts with a larger world.

I always found it fascinating that my last name is Ozer. It can mean ‘healer/helper’ in Hebrew. Ozersky is ‘of the lake’ in Russian.

I do hope my work/contributions in the world will have some depth and facilitate healing and growth.
