what a Storm!
Came home today to dismantle Ian's old shed that he put together with scrap material when he was about 8 1/2 (summer of 1994) when we built an addition on our home.
As I approached the skies were darkening and a storm seemed imminent. Bruce came over to take down a canopy we had on my deck to provide cover during Mariel's 17th birthday party. It rained then too but nothing major.
Just got the canopy wrapped up when the clouds let loose with dramatic lightening and thunder. We stood by the living room window as watched the sidways gusts of wind and rain when we heard a huge crack. I thought it was lightening that stuck in the yard, but then soon after we witnessed the Willow in Daphne's yard split apart and fall in 2 main pieces across my yard.
Photos are here.
One large limb stripped the side of the ornamental Cherry and covered my newly cleared and orderly flowerbed. The other limb with two large branches spread around the blue spruce toward the back of the yard and covered the old garden area.
We were awe-struck and stared at the destruction while hail and rain continued to pour down.
During the lull before the next line of storms passed through Bruce, I, Scott, and Daphne went out to survey the damage.
Later Bruce did finally demolish Ian's old shed and we sprayed the last remaining carpenter ants who were actively feeding their larvae (ugh) -
We never could get to clearing away some of the Willow- a big project now for Bruce.
A dramatic summer day - and it reminded me of the major rain that came in July 1994 while our roof was off and a only a tarp covered the home. That day a hole in the tarp did allow for some leaks all the way through the wood living room floor. We had to get the water out as quickly as possible so the oak floor would not warp too much.
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